About Adventures with Luke
Adventures with Luke is a group run by Luke Bearl, an avid hiker who resides in Southern California. The group has at least two adventures every month, some being hikes, backpacking trips, kayaking, car camping, or anything else that seems like fun. If you ever have a suggestion let Luke know about it, he can’t promise that he’ll act on it right away, but new things are always fun! Feel free to reach out at [email protected].
About Luke
Luke is a Minnesota native who moved to Wisconsin at the tender age of 18 for school, and then by some weird luck ended up living in Southern California in June 2013 where he discovered that climbing mountains is way too much fun. He posts bad jokes on Twitter, not enough pictures on Instagram, and more than anyone wants to know about him on Facebook. If you want to hike with him, like Adventures with Luke on Facebook and you should get notified of upcoming events. If you really want to know more about him, look up his personal about page or blog.
If you have questions about anything, reach out to him on any of the services linked above.