Havasupai Reservation and Havasu Creek (Round I and II)


Hike Date: March 20-21, 2015 and April 9-11, 2015

Miles: Approx: 30 miles in 2 days for Round 1 and who knows how many for Round 2

Havasupai translates as the people of the Blue-Green Water, a name very fitting due to the amazing color of the Havasu Creek.  The water of the creek has large amounts of travertine which results in the color of the creek, and results in many of the waterfalls that exist along the creek as the travertine basically acts as mortar sticking rocks and logs and everything else together.

This post is going to be a bit long as it covers 5 days of backpacking spread across two trips… also you may be overcome by an intense want to go backpacking after reading this. You’ve been warned.

Continue reading Havasupai Reservation and Havasu Creek (Round I and II)